Julwrites Stuff

Internet and storage for my code-server

Internet and storage for my code-server

So… day 1 into using my new code server, I immediately found 2 problems.

  1. I had no access to the storage volume I had assigned to my code-server instance.
  2. My code-server instance had no internet access.

Now, I can see why as a default this would be fine, since Docker is supposed to be containerized and so on, but 1. was annoying, and 2. kind of defeated the purpose of me using code-server at all.


While I was researching solutions, I decided to switch to using linuxserver/code-server since I found it had more settings enabled for me (e.g. I could set SUDO_PASSWORD to enable sudo while using it), and also had a community I could access to ask questions. This was really a drop-in replacement, and perhaps a lesson for me on one of the benefits of docker; it was no effort at all to configure a docker instance for the new code-server, and simply point it to the port that I had previously designated for code-server to run.
