Julwrites Stuff

Re-writing my Telegram Bot in Golang

Re-writing my Telegram Bot in Golang

I had originally written a bot for Telegram (originally named Biblica Bot) which was intended to be a bot for quick reference to the bible. It had a few nifty (at least to me) features:

The original was written in Python - a learning experience in and of itself - using WebApp to host the service on Google App Engine. It used Google App Engine’s blob store to keep track of user preferences (version, current actions, subscriptions, etc…) and had a cron job which would also trigger subscriptions at a fixed time every day. I didn’t get round to making that fixed time into a user choice before moving on.


This also became a way for me to enhance my knowledge of back-end development, REST API usage, and chat bots in general. I had plans to extend the bot to handle multiple platforms (why stop at Telegram?) which similarly exposed chat bot API, and had managed to refactor the Python 2 version so that the framework was extensible - and then it sunsetted, and with it most of my motivation to continue developing the bot in Python 2.

As such, I decided to evaluate a few languages as potential replacements; notably C#, Golang, Node.js and Python 3. Eventually I filtered it down to Golang, the primary reason being that I had other projects which would be appropriate for the remaining languages, and Golang had a pretty smooth tie-in with Google App Engine (after all, it is developed by Google) and was available on the Standard environment (I didn’t want to create a datastore just for user data).

So I began to develop in Golang, and here are some of the walls I hit (and therefore the things I learned) from smallest to biggest:

1. Hosting

Since I was using Google App Engine, most of the complexity was taken care of. It was a bit of a struggle to figure out how I should deploy (and what changes there would be in the folder structure after deployment, especially when taking into account static resource locations).


I’m not sure even now that I figured it out completely, but it worked to put resources in the root of the main package (my guess is that the compilation step puts the resulting binaries parallel to the main package, but does not maintain other static data locations)


2. Programming Language

Coming from a C/C++ background and having experience with Rust and JavaScript/TypeScript (I suppose at some point languages start to look like mashups of other languages), this wasn’t too bad. Conceptually it was very much like writing Rust (but less verbose), and since I wasn’t taking advantage of channels (I didn’t have any threading I needed to do), it felt quite comfortable to write once I got used to the syntax.


3. Testing

Testing was tedious (this being a solo project), but it was pretty worth it. Once I had my MVP up (logging and base functionality), I immediately started on testing. I figured it would be useful to also have it run automatically on Github, so I set up a Github Actions for it.

This proved troublesome mainly because of the folder structure. I had initially split up the functionality into 3 big parts, and each had its’ own repository:

  1. Secrets handling
  2. Platform handling
  3. App handling

This initially was set up as one main (ScriptureBot) and two packages, with the idea that Secrets and Platform handling could be reused for other bot projects. This proved to be insufficient for my liking once I started writing tests; I felt that there were too many overlaps within each package to be properly testable, and it would cause my test files to be strewn across the root directory of each package.

So I broke up each of the packages into smaller parts where it made sense, and wrote tests for each of the packages. I later absorbed Secrets handling into Platform handling and renamed it. This resulted in just two repositories with well ordered packages; Platform and App.


Ultimately this was a valuable decision; having the tests allowed me to save huge amounts of time finding bugs on production, and instead I was able to catch them early in the tests instead. Furthermore it acted as automated regression tests, so if something did break somewhere (even if it wasn’t my code), I’d catch it. All these went into Github Actions to be triggered for each PR, so that I’d have a fairly high confidence that the bot would work when deployed.


4. Package Management

This was probably the one I struggled with the most, and the primary reason I found myself refactoring my code thrice before I managed to push it to production. I think it was partly the learning curve of the language, but this was probably the most frustrating part for a few reasons:

  1. Coming from languages which have no restrictions around where code is located, it was not immediately obvious that Golang did (In fact, if you don’t import any packages beyond the inbuilt ones, it would be completely non-obvious). It was only when I wanted to import an external package that I ran into this issue, and then discovered that ‘Oh, go files have to be in gopath/src///‘.
  2. Again, coming from languages where folder structure is flexible and therefore allows any style of ‘housekeeping’, it was confusing that Golang has enforced a specific folder structure. I initially thought the structure only applied across repositories, and then later discovered that there was a specific structure for packages within each repository. Neither of these were immediately obvious to me. In retrospect I can see that it was a design choice, though an opinionated one.

That being said, after learning the enforced structure (a repository can have multiple packages, and can import packages from other repositories) and best practices (e.g. always use full paths for imports), it was pretty smooth to use. The main hurdle was finding out that there was an enforced structure and figuring out what it was.



All in all, I think it was a good decision to get into this. I can say I’ve learned Golang, and I’ve made something with it that I can use on a daily basis, so I think that’s already a win. There’s still a fair amount of work I have to do on the bot to bring it up to par, but it’s not so different from the work that is already done, so I don’t think I’ll do a specific post about it.